Ultimate guide to buried - walkthrough, all buildables, perks (black ops 2 zombies) every zombies map ranked worst to best - duration: rounds 1-20 guide (black ops 2 zombies) - duration. Black ops 2 zombies guide there are few things i love more than lining up some zombies, blowing their heads off, and racking up more points than i know what to do with in black ops 2 zombies . but, i’ve got to tell you, the rules for black ops 2 zombies have definitely changed from previous call of duty zombies modes.. The maps in black ops' zombies are fairly big. you'll probably benefit greatly from first familiarizing yourself with the general layout, figuring out where the mystery box and good choke points are..
In the black ops 2 zombies tranzit walkthrough you will be riding a bus and making different stops along the way in which you will reach different areas where you will stop and go to the blueprint then you will need to build items to use on the map.. Black ops zombies: ascension map tips / strategy guide. by jamie pert recently whilst browsing youtube i came across a great guide which may well help you reach level 59 without the aid of. Well here it is the final map pack in the call of duty black ops 2 zombie levels and it is out of this world! well its in the same world, earth only way back in time to the first world war which reveals how all this horrific holocaust has come about throughout all of the zombie levels..